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New Moon in Taurus || May 19

art is National Geographic, Society in Mali, 1992

New Moon in Taurus || May 19

Essences: Value, stability, necessity, simplicity, fresh, foundation, self-compassion


There might be a lot that we simply don’t want to do right now. There might be a profound lack of inspiration or motivation to fulfill the not only the necessities of our lives, but the dreams as well. We may have been sitting in deep curiosity in recent weeks about whether we actually want to see through some of the balls we’ve set in motion.

There is a very fine line we must walk right now: on one side is an honoring self-trust of our intuitions about what is right for us, and on the other side, self-trust that what we have started is meant to be seen through and waiting it out for the inspiration to strike again.

This is the delicacy, deepness, darkness of this New Moon portal. The call here is not to take anything overly seriously.

The call here is to cultivate wider inner spaciousness and presence.

Our foundations and surroundings are of vital importance to keep in fresh order and simplicity right now. When our world reflects beauty and order back to us, it really does help to reorient our inner worlds back to beauty.

Take time to clean and freshen up your space. Rearrange for feng shui sake. If there is something that has been bothering you, move it or remove it. Make your surroundings sensual and grounded. Energetically, we can tune into our psycho-spiritual foundations and reorient to what is truly of support and nourishment.

To walk that very fine line looks like standing in radical self-compassion now. In trust of ourselves. In patience with ourselves. Tend lightly to what does spark inspiration today, and allow the rest to flow to you when it wants to.

Now is not the time to force or accelerate. Now is the time to reflect, honor, accept, and lay down new foundations of self-love upon which dreams sprout effortlessly and fragrantly, all in their due season of bloom.

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