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New Moon in Pisces || March 10

art by Ernst Steiner

New Moon in Pisces || March 10

Essences: Creativity, peace, joy, relationship, spontaneity, elemental, sensual


This dark moon finds us in a swell of creative longing, both in our inner worlds and our outer worlds.

How can we make our lives more beautiful? How can see more clearly see the beauty that already is? How are we dulling our perception from witnessing and honoring the inherent, lasting beauty that surrounds us?

The creativity we feel at this time isn’t so action-oriented as it is a delicate signal to look at how we could spruce things up a bit, do things a little differently, take a different route than we usually do…

It’s about infusing adventure into the little mundane things, like the way we communicate, the way we prepare our food, the way we get dressed, the way we move.

Movement should feel sweet, sensual, and nourishing. And to move amongst the elements, out with Mother Nature, in the sweet Sunshine, is so inspiring.

Tune in to what could use a little clean up in your life at this time. What can be re-arranged? It could be anything from plans to shelves to habits to communication styles.

Allow yourself to be spontaneous, and enter the exhilarating flow of not-knowing… of the new and the Now.

There is a very peaceful, joyful undertone that can leave a delicate smile in our consciousness at all times right now, despite what may be happening around us.

This is a choice — a choice to self-stabilize and to remember the inherent joy that fuels the flame of our hearts.

Let yourself be taken into the flow of beauty.

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